As an employer, you want to get the most out of your employees. Research has shown that you can increase the well-being and therefore the output of your staff. You also have an influence on reducing the risks of absenteeism due to illness. But what do you need for that?
Vitality scan
Our prevention specialists use a method developed by TNO and can map out what you as an employer can do to increase your output and reduce risks. Proven results: Higher labor productivity and quality of work; Lower absenteeism rate; More commitment; An increased company image; Well-qualified staff.
Career scan
The market is changing, your company is changing and you also adjust the way you approach your business operations accordingly. Influences such as automation within your company may cause functions to look different. Do your employees change with you? Do you identify a possible contradiction in a timely manner? By identifying this in time, you can prevent employee absenteeism. The career scan is carried out by an industrial psychologist and maps out the extent to which the competencies, motivations and capabilities of your employees still fit with current and predicted future business operations. You also have the option to extend the process with two coaching sessions in which the employee also draws up an action plan. Goals from the action plan can be, for example; Adjusting work, developing a certain skill, looking for new career opportunities, etc.