To remain successful, your SME company is constantly developing. But do your employees do that too? Are they ready for changes? Do they have the skills they will need in the future? You want to work on a development program for your employees, but you simply don't have the time or budget for it. Then this is the solution for you. With the support of the SLIM subsidy, WerkmansMobiliteit supports SME companies that want to work on employee development.
The SLIM scheme at a glance; In 2020, €29.5 million is available for individual SMEs. The subsidy application can be submitted from 2 to 31 March or from 1 to 30 September (WerkmansMobiliteit will arrange this for you) For companies with 50-250 employees, the SLIM subsidy is 60% of the eligible costs. For companies with fewer than 50 employees, the SLIM subsidy is 80% of the eligible costs. The eligible costs must be at least € 5,000. The subsidy is a maximum of € 24,999.
The activity plan for the subsidy application can look like this: An analysis within your company, resulting in a training or development plan. This plan contributes to your business objectives. The concrete implementation of career or development advice for individual employees in the company. This includes career advice, career MOTs and internal workshops. Supporting and guiding the development or introduction of a method in your company that encourages employees in the company to further develop their knowledge, skills and professional attitude. In addition to drawing up the activity plan and the subsidy application, WerkmansMobiliteit also takes care of carrying out these activities, if desired .
We will go through the following process with you: After your registration, we will contact you and draw up an activity plan and budget together with you. We adhere to the regulations and the format of the subsidy. This activity plan is based on your wishes and possibilities. WerkmansMobiliteit submits the subsidy application on your behalf. After a positive decision, WerkmansMobiliteit organizes the implementation of the activities together with you. You will receive support in the administrative obligations you have in relation to the subsidy. Together with WerkmansMobiliteit, your company ensures the sustainable employability of your people, talent development and results. WerkmansMobiliteit does the preparations and the application free of charge. If the scheme for individual companies is awarded the subsidy WerkmansMobiliteit will charge you a fee of 5% of the award for WerkmansMobiliteit's organizational costs for the complete application, guidance and processing.
SLIM scheme together with WerkmansMobiliteit
Keep your employees developing with the SLIM scheme
SLIM is a government subsidy scheme through which individual SME companies and partnerships can apply for a subsidy for activities related to the training and development of their employees. Many SME entrepreneurs would like to invest in the development, training and guidance of employees throughout their careers, but do not always have the options to do so. The government believes it is important that everyone can continue to develop during their working life. With the Incentive Scheme for Learning and Development in SMEs (SLIM scheme), the government wants to make learning and development the most normal thing in the world, also in SMEs. WerkmansMobiliteit has inspired and supported companies/employees and individuals in the field of Career Development since 2000. WerkmansMobiliteit also inspires employers to commit to the development of their employees. This is done through services such as workshops, career conversations, career scans, and individual coaching programs. With this experience, WerkmansMobiliteit would like to help SMEs to create an attractive activity plan to apply for and implement the SLIM subsidy. Employers are also approached to commit to the development of their employees. That is why WerkmansMobiliteit helps SMEs to create an activity plan to apply for and implement the SLIM Subsidy. In this way, employees, now and in the future, remain valuable forces in the labor market and contribute to the company's objectives.
Are you interested in our SLIM services? We help you!
We want to know exactly what you need, so that we can offer you the optimal solution. Let us know what you want and we will do our utmost to serve you.